
Hona jauzi: nabigazioa, bilatu


    // The $body_* variables are for compatibility with pre-existing css
    $page_title = 'Firefox Updated';
    $body_id    = 'whatsnew';
    $body_class = 'portal-page';

    $extra_headers = <<<EXTRA_HEADERS
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style/tignish/whatsnew-page.css" media="screen" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/whats-new-page.js"></script>
    $extra_feature = <<<EXTRA_FEATURE
<div id="tab-close"><p>Click on the close button on this tab to go to your home page</p></div>

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";

<div id="main-feature">
	<h2 id="main-feature-title">You’ve been updated to the latest version of Firefox.</h2>
	<p id="main-feature-contents">Thanks for your time! This update will make you safer on the web.</p>
	<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
	//localization note: message 1 will display the version number at the end of the string, hence the trailing space
	//ex: You’re now running Firefox 3.1

	var userversion = '<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>';
	var message1 = 'You’re now running Firefox ';
	var message2 = 'For security reasons, we recommend downloading the <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/">latest and greatest version</a>.';

	// ]]></script>

<div id="main-content">
		<h3>Firefox: The Safest Way to Surf</h3>
		<p>A worldwide community of thousands of experts is working every day to help us identify and defeat the latest threats to your online security. Keeping you safe is our top priority. <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/security/">Learn more about our security process</a></p>
		<h3>Do More with Firefox</h3>
		<p>Visit our Getting Started page to learn how you can get the most out of your Firefox. <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/central/">Do more with Firefox</a></p>

	<p class="changelog">What's new in this update? <a href="../releasenotes/">View the release notes</a>.</p>

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";


    // The $body_* variables are for compatibility with pre-existing css
    $page_title = 'Firefox eguneratuta';
    $body_id    = 'whatsnew';
    $body_class = 'portal-page';

    $extra_headers = <<<EXTRA_HEADERS
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style/tignish/whatsnew-page.css" media="screen" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/whats-new-page.js"></script>
    $extra_feature = <<<EXTRA_FEATURE
<div id="tab-close"><p>Egin klik fitxa hau ixteko botoian zure hasiera orrira joateko</p></div>

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";

<div id="main-feature">
	<h2 id="main-feature-title">Firefox azken bertsiora eguneratu duzu.</h2>
	<p id="main-feature-contents">Eskerrik asko zure denboragatik! Eguneraketa honi esker seguruago ibiliko zara webean.</p>
	<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
	//localization note: message 1 will display the version number at the end of the string, hence the trailing space
	//ex: You’re now running Firefox 3.1

	var userversion = '<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?> erabiltzen ari zara';
	var message1 = 'Une honetan Firefox ';
	var message2 = 'Segurtasun arrazoiak direla eta, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/">azken bertsioa</a> deskargatzea gomendatzen dizugu.';

	// ]]></script>

<div id="main-content">
		<h3>Firefox: Nabigatzeko modurik seguruena</h3>
		<p>Milaka adituk osatutako mundu-mailako komunitatea lanean dabil egunero zure lineako segurtasunaren mehatxuak identifikatu eta hauei aurre egiteko. Gure lehentasuna zure segurtasuna da. <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/security/">Segurtasun prozesuari buruzko argibide gehiago</a></p>
		<h3>Egizu gehiago Firefoxekin</h3>
		<p>Firefoxi zukua nola atera ikasteko, bisita ezazu Firefoxekin hasten orria. <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/central/">Egizu gehiago Firefoxekin</a></p>

	<p class="changelog">Zer berri eguneraketa honetan? <a href="../releasenotes/">Ikusi bertsio oharrak</a>.</p>

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";