
Hona jauzi: nabigazioa, bilatu


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    $body_id    = 'security';
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<div id="main-feature">
	<h2>The Safest Web Browser</h2>
	<p>Firefox keeps your personal info personal and your online interests away from the bad guys.</p>

<ul id="side-menu">
	<li class="first"><h3><a href="/<?=$lang?>/products/">Products</a> / <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/">Firefox</a></h3></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/addons/">Customization</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/organic/">100% Organic Software</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/features/">Features</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/tips/">Tips & Tricks</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>/releasenotes/">Release Notes</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/all.html">Other Systems & Languages</a></li>

<div id="main-content">

	<div class="security-intro">
		<h3>So How Do We Do It?</h3>
		<p>What makes Firefox different? Most importantly, we’re open. That means anyone around the world (and we have thousands of experts watching our back) is able to look into our code and find any potential weak spots in our armor.</p>
		<p>And when we hear about a problem, we roll up our sleeves and get to work fixing it right away. It's in your best interest (and ours) to take care of the issue, even if it means admitting we're a little less than perfect.</p>
		<p>Simply put, <strong>your security is our top priority.</strong></p>

	<div class="method-madness">
		<img src="/img/tignish/security/key.png" alt="There's a Method to Our Madness" width="150" height="151" />
		<h3>There’s a Method to Our Madness.</h3>
		<p>Nobody loves the Internet more than we do. But, scammers, spammers and trigger-happy viruses are true threats, so you need to protect yourself while using the Web.</p>

	<div class="firefox-comes-in">
		<h3>That's Where Firefox Comes In.</h3>
		<p>Using it is the safest way to surf the web because:</p>
			<li><strong>We don't try to tackle the problem alone.</strong> An international community of security experts is working around the clock to make your web browsing safer (thanks to our open source way of doing things). It's like having your neighborhood watch led by a group of highly trained ninjas.</li>
			<li><strong>We consider your security every step of the way.</strong>Security experts work right from the start to identify and address potential problems before a single line of code is written.</li>
			<li><strong>We stay on top of the issue.</strong>We're constantly monitoring threats and releasing new Firefox updates to stay one step ahead. Operating in an open source world means anyone can help us find and fix our weak spots.</li>
		<p>For more details on how Firefox keeps you safe online, <a href="" class="external">visit our security blog.</a></p>

</div><!-- end #main-content div -->

<div id="sidebar">
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/download.old.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Configure the Firefox download write script
        var gDownloadItemTemplate = " <li class=\"%CSS_CLASS%\"> <h3>Get Firefox 3<\/h3><div>%VERSION% for %PLATFORM_NAME%<br \/> %LANGUAGE_NAME% (%FILE_SIZE%)<\/div><a onclick=\"javascript:do_download('%BOUNCER_URL%');\" href=\"%DOWNLOAD_URL%\" class=\"download-link download-firefox\">Download Firefox<span> - Free<\/span><\/a></li>";
        var gDownloadItemMacOS9 = "<a href=\"\">MacOS 9 and earlier are not supported<\/a>";
        var gDownloadItemOtherPlatform = "<a href=\"/<?=$lang?>/firefox/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>/releasenotes/#contributedbuilds\">Free Download<\/a>"

        document.writeln("<ul class=\"download download-firefox " + gCssClass + " \">");
        document.writeln("<div class=\"download-other\"><span class=\"other\">");
        document.writeln("<a href=\"\/<?=$lang?>\/firefox\/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>\/releasenotes\/\">Release Notes<\/a>");
        document.writeln("| <a href=\"\/<?=$lang?>\/firefox\/all.html\">Other Systems & Languages<\/a>");
    <?php echo $firefoxDetails->getNoScriptBlockForLocale('en-US'); ?>
	<div class="risk">
		<h1>When Are You at Risk?</h1>
		<p>An independent study shows that, in 2006, IE users were vulnerable to online threats 78% of the time. Firefox users? Only 2%.</p>
		<img src="/img/tignish/security/chart.png" alt="When Are You at Risk" width="295" height="330" />

	<div class="small-print">
		<p>“At risk” defined as publicly available exploits with no patch. Source: <a class="external" href="">“Internet Explorer users Unsafe for 284 Days in 2006”</a><br />
		Brian Krebs, <em>Washington Post</em>, 1/4/2007</p>

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";


    // The $body_* variables are for compatibility with pre-existing css
    $page_title = 'Mozilla Produktuak | Segurtasuna';
    $body_id    = 'security';
    $extra_headers = <<<EXTRA_HEADERS
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<div id="main-feature">
	<h2>Web nabigatzaile seguruena</h2>
	<p>Firefoxek zure informazio pribatua eta sareko zure interesak pertsona maltzurrengandik urruti mantentzen ditu.</p>

<ul id="side-menu">
	<li class="first"><h3><a href="/<?=$lang?>/products/">Produktuak</a> / <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/">Firefox</a></h3></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/addons/">Pertsonalizazioa</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/organic/">%100 Software organikoa</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/features/">Ezaugarriak</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/tips/">Aholku eta trukoak</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>/releasenotes/">Bertsio oharrak</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/all.html">Beste sistema eta hizkuntzak</a></li>

<div id="main-content">

	<div class="security-intro">
		<h3>Baina nola lortzen du hori?</h3>
		<p>Zerk egiten du Firefox ezberdin? Garrantzitsuena, kode irekikoa da. Mundu zabalean edozeinek gure kodea ikusi eta gure babesean balizko edozein zulo bilatzeko aukera izatea da honen esanahia (eta milaka aditu ditugu gure bizkarra zaintzen).</p>
		<p>Eta arazo bati buruz aditzen dugunean mahukak bildu eta konpontzen jartzen gara. Hau zure (eta gure) interesagatik egiten da, arazoen kargu egiteko, nahiz horrek hain perfektuak ez garela onartzea badakar ere.</p>
		<p>Sinpleki, <strong>zure segurtasuna gure lehentasun nagusia da.</strong></p>

	<div class="method-madness">
		<img src="/img/tignish/security/key.png" alt="Hemen gu zoro bihurtzeko metodo bat" width="150" height="151" />
		<h3>Hemen gu zoro bihurtzeko metodo bat.</h3>
		<p>Inork ez du Internet guk baino gehiago maitatzen. Baina zabor-postariak, iruzurgileak eta birusak benetako arazo dira, horregatik zure burua babestu behar dugu weba erabiltzean.</p>

	<div class="firefox-comes-in">
		<h3>Hemen sartzen da jokoan Firefox.</h3>
		<p>Firefox erabiltzea weba nabigatzeko modurik seguruena da, izan ere:</p>
			<li><strong>Ez gara arazoa bakarka konpontzen saiatzen.</strong> Segurtasunean adituez osaturiko nazioarteko komunitate bat lanean dago gau eta egun zure nabigatzea seguruago egiteko (gure kode irekian gauzak egitearen moduagatik). Hau gure auzoa gogor entrenaturiko ninja talde batek zainduko balu bezala da.</li>
			<li><strong>Zure segurtasuna kontuan dugu bidearen pauso guztietan.</strong>Segurtasun adituak lanean jartzen dira kode-lerro bakan bat idazten denean balizko arazoak aurkitu eta identifikatzen saiatzeko.</li>
			<li><strong>Arazoaren gainean gaude.</strong>Denbora guztian arazoak monitorizatzen ari gara eta Firefox bertsio berriak argitaratzen arazo bat konpontzen denean. Kode irekiaren gainean lan egitean edozeinek aurkitu eta konpondu ditzake gure zulo edo arazoak.</li>
		<p>Firefoxek zure sareko segurtasuna mantentzen duen moduari buruzko xehetasun gehiago jasotzeko <a href="" class="external">joan gure segurtasun blogera (Ingelesez).</a></p>

</div><!-- end #main-content div -->

<div id="sidebar">
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/download.old.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Configure the Firefox download write script
        var gDownloadItemTemplate = " <li class=\"%CSS_CLASS%\"> <h3>Eskuratu Firefox 3<\/h3><div>%VERSION% for %PLATFORM_NAME%<br \/> %LANGUAGE_NAME% (%FILE_SIZE%)<\/div><a onclick=\"javascript:do_download('%BOUNCER_URL%');\" href=\"%DOWNLOAD_URL%\" class=\"download-link download-firefox\">Deskargatu Firefox<span> - Debalde<\/span><\/a></li>";
        var gDownloadItemMacOS9 = "<a href=\"\">MacOS 9 eta aurrekoei ez zaie euskarririk ematen<\/a>";
        var gDownloadItemOtherPlatform = "<a href=\"/<?=$lang?>/firefox/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>/releasenotes/#contributedbuilds\">Doako deskarga<\/a>"

        document.writeln("<ul class=\"download download-firefox " + gCssClass + " \">");
        document.writeln("<div class=\"download-other\"><span class=\"other\">");
        document.writeln("<a href=\"\/<?=$lang?>\/firefox\/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>\/releasenotes\/\">Bertsio oharrak<\/a>");
        document.writeln("| <a href=\"\/<?=$lang?>\/firefox\/all.html\">Beste sistema eta hizkuntzak<\/a>");
    <?php echo $firefoxDetails->getNoScriptBlockForLocale('en-US'); ?>
	<div class="risk">
		<h1>Noiz zaude arriskuan?</h1>
		<p>Azterketa independiente batek erakusten du IE erabiltzaileak sare bidezko erasoak jasan ditzaketela denboraren %78an. Firefox erabiltzaileak? %2an bakarrik.</p>
		<img src="/img/tignish/security/chart.png" alt="Noiz zaude arriskuan?" width="295" height="330" />

	<div class="small-print">
		<p>“Arriskuan” konponbiderik ez duen exploit publikoa bezela definitzen da. Jatorria: <a class="external" href="">“Internet Explorer erabiltzailea segurtasunik gabe 284 Egunetan 2006an”</a><br />
		Brian Krebs, <em>Washington Post</em>, 2007/01/04</p>

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