
Hona jauzi: nabigazioa, bilatu


    // The $body_* variables are for compatibility with pre-existing css
    $page_title = 'About Mozilla';
    $body_id    = 'firefox-about';
    $body_class = 'portal-page';
    $extra_headers = <<<EXTRA_HEADERS
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style/tignish/firefox-about.css" media="screen" />

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";

<div id="main-feature">
	<h2>Good for the Web.<br />Good for the World.</h2>

<div id="content">

<p>Mozilla is not a traditional software company. We are a global <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/community/">community</a> dedicated to building free, open source software products and technologies that improve the online experience for people everywhere. We are programmers, marketers, testers, and advocates from around the world who are working to ensure that the Web remains an open shared public resource. We believe that open standards enable and empower choice and innovation and that everyone, everywhere is entitled to the safest, fastest and best possible online experience.</p>

<p>Our award-winning, open source <a href="/<?=$lang?>/products/">software products</a> and <a href="">technologies</a> are offered free-of-charge to people everywhere in over 40 languages.</p>

<p>Mozilla is headquartered in <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Mountain View, California</a> with regional offices in <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Aukland</a>, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Beijing</a>, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Copenhagen</a>, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Paris</a>, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Tokyo</a> and <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Toronto</a>.</p>


    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";


    // The $body_* variables are for compatibility with pre-existing css
    $page_title = 'Mozillari buruz';
    $body_id    = 'firefox-about';
    $body_class = 'portal-page';
    $extra_headers = <<<EXTRA_HEADERS
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style/tignish/firefox-about.css" media="screen" />

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";

<div id="main-feature">
	<h2>Ona webarentzat.<br />Ona munduarentzat.</h2>

<div id="content">

<p>Mozilla ez da ohiko software konpainia bat. <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/community/">Komunitate</a> globala gara eta jendearen lineako esperientzia hobetzeko kode irekiko teknologia eta softwarea garatzen dugu. Mundu osoko programatzaile, merkatari, probatzaile eta abokatuak gara eta weba tresna bezala bere izaera ireki eta publikoan mantentzen dela ziurtatzeko lanean gabiltza. Estandar irekiek aukerak eta berrikuntzak gaitzen eta indarra ematen dutela sinesten dugu eta halaber, edonork, edonon izan behar duela eskubidea lineako esperientzia seguru, azkar eta onenaz gozatzeko.</p>

<p>Hainbat sari irabazi dituzten gure iturburu irekiko <a href="/<?=$lang?>/products/">software produktuak</a> eta <a href="">teknologiak</a> musutruk eskaintzen dizkiogu edozein lekutako jendeari 40 hizkuntza baino gehiagotan.</p>

<p>Mozillaren bulego nagusiak <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Mountain Viewn, Kalifornian</a> daude eta herrialde-bulegoak <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Auklanden</a>, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Beijingen</a>, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Kopenhagenen</a>, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Parisen</a>, <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Tokyon</a> eta <a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/contact.html">Toronton</a>.</p>

<h3>Mozilla Euskal Herrian</h3>

<p>Ondorengo loturei jarraituz Mozillari buruzko argibideak lortuko dituzu euskaraz.</p>

  <li><a href="">Mozilla Europe</a></li>
  <li><a href=""></a></li>


    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";