
Hona jauzi: nabigazioa, bilatu


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    $body_id    = 'firefox-organic';
    $body_class = 'products';
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    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";

<div id="main-feature">
	<h2>A Better Way to the Web</h2>
	<p>Or, what an open source community-powered browser can do for you.</p>

<ul id="side-menu">
	<li class="first"><h3><a href="/<?=$lang?>/products/">Products</a> / <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/">Firefox</a></h3></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/security/">Security</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/addons/">Customization</a></li>
	<li><span>100% Organic Software</span></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/features/">Features</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/tips/">Tips & Tricks</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>/releasenotes/">Release Notes</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/all.html">Other Systems & Languages</a></li>

<div id="main-content">

	<h3>What is organic software?</h3>
	<p><strong>As software companies go, we’re a little unusual.</strong> We use the term ‘organic software’ to sum up the various ways we’re different from the other guys:</p>
	<p>Our most well-known product, Firefox, is created by an international movement of thousands, only a small percentage of whom are actual employees.</p>
	<p>We’re motivated by our mission of promoting openness, innovation and opportunity on the web rather than business concerns like profits or the price of our stock (guess what: we don’t even have stock).</p>
	<p>And as a <a href="">non-profit, public benefit organization</a>, we define success in terms of building communities and enriching people’s lives. We believe in the power and potential of the Internet and want to see it thrive for everyone, everywhere.</p>

	<img src="/img/tignish/organic/organic-inline-02.png" alt="Firefox girl" class="inline-02" />

	<div id="organic-open-source">
		<h3>What is Open Source?</h3>
		<p>This might sound crazy at first, but bear with us: <strong>we believe that the more people who know our “secrets”, the better.</strong></p>
		<p>So, we exposed the Firefox source code – the very nuts & bolts of what makes it all work – to the world and encouraged everyone to have a look.</p>
		<p>Some people saw things to improve and made the fixes. Others had ideas for new features and made them happen. And others yet took that code, applied their own innovations and built completely new (and amazing) products.</p>
		<p>The moral of the story? Being open means good things will happen. Anyone can peek behind our curtains…in fact, there really aren’t any curtains at all.</p>

	<img src="/img/tignish/organic/organic-inline-01.png" alt="" />

	<div id="organic-why-care">
		<h3>Why should you care?</h3>
		<p>We may not be a typical company, but <strong>we still know how to focus on the bottom line: making the web better for you</strong>.</p>
		<p>Being open means the next big idea can come from anyone across the world rather than just relying on a few dozen employees at our company offices. When you look at the situation in those terms, why do it any other way?</p>
		<p>All this talk about organic software and open source ultimately means a better browser for you and the 130 million regular Firefox users. It means a higher-quality, more secure product. It means innovation, freedom and supporting an Internet that’s accessible to all.</p>

</div><!-- end #main-content div -->

<div id="sidebar">
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/download.old.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Configure the Firefox download write script
        var gDownloadItemTemplate = " <li class=\"%CSS_CLASS%\"> <h3>Get Firefox 3<\/h3><div>%VERSION% for %PLATFORM_NAME%<br \/> %LANGUAGE_NAME% (%FILE_SIZE%)<\/div><a onclick=\"javascript:do_download('%BOUNCER_URL%');\" href=\"%DOWNLOAD_URL%\" class=\"download-link download-firefox\">Download Firefox<span> - Free<\/span><\/a></li>";
        var gDownloadItemMacOS9 = "<a href=\"\">MacOS 9 and earlier are not supported<\/a>";
        var gDownloadItemOtherPlatform = "<a href=\"/<?=$lang?>/firefox/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>/releasenotes/#contributedbuilds\">Free Download<\/a>"

        document.writeln("<ul class=\"download download-firefox " + gCssClass + " \">");
        document.writeln("<div class=\"download-other\"><span class=\"other\">");
        document.writeln("<a href=\"\/<?=$lang?>\/firefox\/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>\/releasenotes\/\">Release Notes<\/a>");
        document.writeln("| <a href=\"\/<?=$lang?>\/firefox\/all.html\">Other Systems & Languages<\/a>");
    <?php echo $firefoxDetails->getNoScriptBlockForLocale('en-US'); ?>

	<ul class="what-is-mozilla">
 			<h3>What is Mozilla?</h3>
 			<p>We’re a global community, a public benefit organization and an open source software project. <span><a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/">Learn more about us</a></span></p>

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";


    // The $body_* variables are for compatibility with pre-existing css
    $page_title = 'Firefox: %100 Software organikoa';
    $body_id    = 'firefox-organic';
    $body_class = 'products';
    $extra_headers = <<<EXTRA_HEADERS
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style/tignish/organic-page.css" media="screen" />

    @include_once "{$config['file_root']}/{$lang}/includes/";

<div id="main-feature">
	<h2>Nabigatzeko modurik onena</h2>
	<p>Edo kode irekiko komunitatearen indarrak zer egin dezakeen zuretzat.</p>

<ul id="side-menu">
	<li class="first"><h3><a href="/<?=$lang?>/products/">Produktuak</a> / <a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/">Firefox</a></h3></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/security/">Segurtasuna</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/addons/">Pertsonalizazioa</a></li>
	<li><span>%100 Software organikoa</span></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/features/">Ezaugarriak</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/tips/">Aholku eta trukoak</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>/releasenotes/">Bertsio oharrak</a></li>
	<li><a href="/<?=$lang?>/firefox/all.html">Beste sistema eta hizkuntzak</a></li>

<div id="main-content">

	<h3>Zer da software organikoa?</h3>
	<p><strong>Pixka bat ezberdinak gara gainontzeko software konpainiekin alderatuta.</strong> ‘Software organikoa’ terminoarekin gainontzekoengandik bereizten gaituena laburbildu nahi dugu:</p>
	<p>Gure produkturik ezagunena, Firefox, milaka pertsona biltzen dituen nazioarteko mugimenduak sortua da. Hauetatik oso portzentai txikia dira soldatapeko langileak.</p>
	<p>Zabalkundea, berrikuntza eta webeko aukerak sustatzeak motibatzen gaitu, negozioetan pentsatzen hasi gabe eta gure akzioen irabazietaz kezkatu gabe (ezetz asmatu: akziorik ere ez dugu).</p>
	<p>Eta <a href="">irabazi asmorik gabeko, onura publikoko erakunde</a> bezala, gure arrakasta komunitateak eraikitzea eta jendearen bizitzak aberastea da. Internetek duen boterean sinesten dugu eta hazten ikusi nahi dugu, edonorentzat eta edonon.</p>

	<img src="/img/tignish/organic/organic-inline-02.png" alt="Firefox girl" class="inline-02" />

	<div id="organic-open-source">
		<h3>Zer da kode irekia?</h3>
		<p>Hasiera batean ideia txoroa dirudien arren, fidatu gutaz: <strong>zenbat eta jende gehiagok jakin gure "sekretuak", hobe.</strong></p>
		<p>Hortaz, mundu guztiaren eskura jarri dugu Firefoxen iturburu-kodea (honek guztiak funtziona dezan beharrezkoak diren piezak) eta edonor animatu dugu iturburuari begirada bat ematera.</p>
		<p>Batzuk hobetu beharreko gauzak ikusi eta konponketak egin dituzte. Beste batzuk ezaugarri berrien ideiak izan eta egia bilakatu zituzten. Eta azken batzuk, kode hori guztia hartu, beraien berrikuntzak ezarri eta produktu berri nahiz harrigarriak sortu zituzten.</p>
		<p>Istorioaren morala? Irekia izatea gauza onen seinale da. Edonork xirika dezake gure gortinen atzean... izatez, ez daukagu-eta inolako gortinarik!</p>

	<img src="/img/tignish/organic/organic-inline-01.png" alt="" />

	<div id="organic-why-care">
		<h3>Zergatik arduratu beharko zenuke?</h3>
		<p>Agian ez gara ohiko konpainia bat, baina hala ere <strong>badakigu nola jarri arreta gauza garrantzitsuetan: zuretzako weba hobetzen</strong>.</p>
		<p>Irekia izateak esan nahi du hurrengo ideia handia munduko edozein tokitatik hel daitekeela, konfiantza gure bulegoetako langileengan jarri ordez soilik. Egoera horrela ikusita, zergatik aldatu?</p>
		<p>Software organikoari eta kode irekiari buruzko hizketaldi honek guztiak esanahi bakarra du: nabigatzaile hobea zuretzat eta ohiko 130 milioi Firefox erabiltzaileentzat. Kalitate handiagoko produktua esan nahi du, seguruagoa. Berrikuntza, askatasuna eta guztion eskura dagoen Internet bultzatzea esan nahi du.</p>

</div><!-- end #main-content div -->

<div id="sidebar">
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/download.old.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Configure the Firefox download write script
        var gDownloadItemTemplate = " <li class=\"%CSS_CLASS%\"> <h3>Eskuratu Firefox 3<\/h3><div>%VERSION% (%PLATFORM_NAME%)<br \/> %LANGUAGE_NAME% (%FILE_SIZE%)<\/div><a onclick=\"javascript:do_download('%BOUNCER_URL%');\" href=\"%DOWNLOAD_URL%\" class=\"download-link download-firefox\">Deskargatu Firefox<span> - Debalde<\/span><\/a></li>";
        var gDownloadItemMacOS9 = "<a href=\"\">MacOS 9 eta aurrekoei ez zaie euskarririk ematen<\/a>";
        var gDownloadItemOtherPlatform = "<a href=\"/<?=$lang?>/firefox/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>/releasenotes/#contributedbuilds\">Doako deskarga<\/a>"

        document.writeln("<ul class=\"download download-firefox " + gCssClass + " \">");
        document.writeln("<div class=\"download-other\"><span class=\"other\">");
        document.writeln("<a href=\"\/<?=$lang?>\/firefox\/<?=LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION?>\/releasenotes\/\">Bertsio oharrak<\/a>");
        document.writeln("| <a href=\"\/<?=$lang?>\/firefox\/all.html\">Beste sistema eta hizkuntzak<\/a>");
    <?php echo $firefoxDetails->getNoScriptBlockForLocale('en-US'); ?>

	<ul class="what-is-mozilla">
 			<h3>Zer da Mozilla?</h3>
 			<p>Mundu mailako komunitate, onura publikorako erakunde eta kode irekiko software proiektua gara. <span><a href="/<?=$lang?>/about/">Guri buruzko argibide gehiago</a></span></p>

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