[Librezale] FreeCAD: wire eta thread

Asier Sarasua asier.sarasua a bildua gmail.com
Ost, Mar 8, 11:36:00, CET 2017

Dooteo<dooteo a bildua zundan.com> igorleak hau idatzi zuen (2017(e)ko martxoa 7

> Gabon guztioi,
> GNOMEko (GIMP) itzulpen-memorietan "burdin-haria" gisa itzuli izan da
> metalezko 3D malla edo geruza bat adierazteko.
Eskerrik asko denoi.

"Burdin-haria" aukeraren arazoa da bi kontzeptu daudela FreeCADen:
"wireframe" eta "wire". Alegia, "wireframe = burdin-haria" bada, orduan
"wire = hari" izan behar du. Ala egokia al da bietarako "burdin-hari"
erabiltzea? "Wireframe" bost kasutan besterik ez da agertzen, eta uste dut
"wire" hitzaren baliokidea dela.

Kasu batzuk:
"Specifies if the profile must be aligned with the extrusion wires"
"The vertices of the wire"
"Adds a point to an existing wire/bspline"
"Swaps display mode of selected objects between wireframe and flatlines"
"Make face from wires"
"If this is checked, objects will appear as filled as default. Otherwise,
they will appear as wireframe"
"If this is checked, hatches will be converted into simple wires"
"Found only wires: extracting their edges"
"Wire tools"
"Creates a wall object from scratch or from a selected object (wire, face
or solid)"
"Wireframe mode"

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