[Librezale] Audacity Euskaraz eskaria

Julen Ruiz Aizpuru julenx a bildua gmail.com
Iga, Uzt 23, 12:41:24, CEST 2017

Eguerdi on,

2017-07-22 22:10 GMT+02:00 Osoitz E <oelkoro at gmail.com>:
> Aupa,
> Bi kontu:
> 1) Pot fitxategi berria dago, gaur igoko dut Transifexera Audacity220.pot
> bezala eta beste itzulpenak inportatuko ditut. Dagoenean Audacity22.pot
> adarrean jarraitu behar da lanean

Nahasmena ekiditeko agian zaharra ezabatu?

> 2) Itzulpena prest dagoenerako eta kodeen harira, zer iruditzen zaizue mezu
> hau?
> [...]
> This translation is a continuation of the original translation by EuskalGNU
> recovered from Audacity's GitHub. That partial translation was made under
> the supervision of the Basque Government's language department.

Esango nuke garatzaileek ez dakitela zein den EuskalGNU eta ez zaiela
axola. EJren erreferentziak pisua du ordea eta esteka bat gehitzea ere
ondo legoke. Honela berridatziko nuke hau:

This work is a continuation of the original translation made under the
supervision of the Basque Government's Language Department [HPSrako
esteka], and has been recovered from Audacity's GitHub repository
[commit-aren esteka].

> For lexical decisions not covered in the original translation we attempted
> to always follow  established conventions in the fields of professional
> sound, physics and music.
> This translation can be given the code 'eu_ES' as suggested and 'eu' would
> fit as well.

Kasurik onena eskatuko nuke lehenik, bestearekin konforme egon
gaitezkeela ere gaineratu:

Aligning with the rest of the software ecosystem, we believe it would
be preferrable to give this work the 'eu' locale code. We understand
'eu_ES' might be okay, albeit not ideal.

> Regardless of the code given to this translation, we would like to share
> with you our concern about distributing Xabier Aramendi's translation as
> 'eu'.

Jarraian datozen azalpenak mezutik kanpo utziko nituzke. Wiki orri
batean nahi bezainbesteko ebidentzia linguistikoa gehi daiteke eta
mezutik estekatu. Nire iritziz eta testuinguru honetan behintzat,
mantentzaileentzat interes handirik gabeko zarata dela esango nuke.


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