[Librezale] Audacity Euskaraz eskaria

Osoitz E oelkoro a bildua gmail.com
As, Uzt 18, 12:52:29, CEST 2017


Ikusi nuen Jamesen proposamenean akats bat zegoela, 'eu' XAk mantentzen
jarraitzea proposatzen zuela ulertu nuen.

Testuingurua beheko hau da, irakurri Jamesen azken esaldia:

Would you feel that giving Xabier's translation the code eu_EU [Basque]
and your translation the code eu_ES [Basque (alternative)] a reasonable
solution, given that we do not speak Basque and do not know the ins and

*If the answer is 'no', you might well be wasting your time
working on an alternative to what we have used so far.*

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