[Librezale] Fwd: [Nueva entrada] WordPress 3.9 is being released soon.

Mikel Larreategi larreategi a bildua eibar.org
Ost, Api 16, 08:50:57, CEST 2014


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From: Translate WordPress <donotreply a bildua wordpress.com>
Date: 2014-04-16 8:38 GMT+02:00
Subject: [Nueva entrada] WordPress 3.9 is being released soon.
To: larreategi a bildua eibar.org

   Andrew Nacin publicó:"WordPress 3.9 is being released at 1700 GMT, or
about 10 hours from now. I'm sorry you didn't get more lead time on a few
strings. I recognize there has been some string flux over the past week, as
a result of the about page, some strings that had gone u"
      Entrada nueva en *Translate WordPress*
<http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/?author=5286302>  WordPress 3.9 is
being released soon.<http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/2014/04/16/wordpress-3-9-is-being-released-soon/>
Andrew Nacin <http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/?author=5286302>

WordPress 3.9 is being released at 1700 GMT, or about 10 hours from now.

I'm sorry you didn't get more lead time on a few strings. I recognize there
has been some string flux over the past week, as a result of the about
page, some strings that had gone untranslated accidentally, etc. Just
wanted to say I know how much time you put into these and thanks for all
you do.

After 3.9 I'll be spending a few weeks working primarily on localization
and internationalization, so expect some exciting things. :-)
  *Andrew Nacin <http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/?author=5286302>* |
abril 16, 2014 en 6:37 am | Etiquetas:
core <http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/?taxonomy=post_tag&term=core>,

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