[Librezale] Lead-In | Lead-out Itzulpena

Arkaitz Zubiaga arkaitz a bildua berritxarrak.net
Or, Ots 2, 11:26:48, CET 2007


Wikipediaren arabera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_disc_authoring):


/The *lead-in* area of a CD session is the starting part of the disc. It 
contains the TOC <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead-in_%28CD%29#TOC> for 
the session, and the address of the next available free part of the disc 
available for the start of the next session, unless the disc is closed 
and therefore no more sessions can be added, or the disc is not 


/The *lead-out* area is the ending part of the CD session. When the 
session is closed, the lead-out area is written./

/The first lead-out is 6750 sectors (about 13 megabytes) long, each 
subsequent lead-out is 2250 sectors (4 megabytes) long./

Beraz, nik "Writing Lead-In" --> "Saio hasiera idazten" eta "Writing 
Lead-Out" --> "Saio amaiera idazten" bezala itzuliko nituzke. Pregap-en 
inguruan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregap):

/The *pregap* on a Red Book 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Book_%28audio_CD_standard%29> audio CD 
is the portion of the audio track that precedes "index 01" for a given 
track in the table of contents (TOC). The Pregap ("index 00") is 
typically two seconds long and usually, but not always, contains 
silence. Popular uses for having the pregap contain audio are live CDs, 
track interludes, and hidden songs in the pregap of the first track 
(detailed below)./

"Writing pregap..." itzultzeko beraz, "Hasierako tartea idazten..." 
aukera ona izan liteke? Beste proposamenik?

pi(e)k dio:
> Aupa mutilok:
> Xfce-ren itzulpena eguneratzen ari nauk (post4.4) eta xfburn grabatzailean kate hauek gehitu dituzte eta nahiz program 
> askoretan ikusi ditudan egia esan ez dakit zer esan nahi duten eta ez nola itzuli ea norbaitek apur bat argitzen didan 
> (esanahia behintzat):
> Writing Lead-In...
> Writing Lead-Out...
> Writing pregap...
> Esker anitz
> ala..
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