[Librezale] mozilla itzulpenen inguruan

Ander Elortondo ander.elor a bildua gmail.com
As, Maiatza 29, 09:34:39, CEST 2018


 mozillako itzulpenak egiten ari garenok aparte taldeak izan behar lukeen
informazio garrantzitsua dela uste dut:

Support Mozilla Spring 2018 Cleaning

I would like you to help me collect the information in this form in because
the locale you have been contributing to at Mozilla is under consideration
for a "spring cleaning" on the support.mozilla.org site.

You can read more in detail about the process and the reasons for it here:
- please do so, before completing this form.

Thank you!

mezu honen ondoren ondorengo galderak datoz:

Below, "translating" means localizing a complete article and "maintaining"
means making sure it is not out of date (if it is updated in English). We
want to know if you are available to work together with other localizers
from your locale on this goal. This way, we can help your community
coordinate and complete goals that are required to keep your locale
unarchived at support.mozilla.org
Can you commit to translating and maintaining the top 20 articles at
into your locale before September 2018? *

   - Yes
   - No

Can you commit to translating and maintaining the top 50 articles at
into your locale before November 2018? *

   - Yes
   - No

Can you commit to translating and maintaining the top 100 articles at
into your locale before the end of 2018? *

   - Yes
   - No

What is your Mozillians profile URL? *
If you don't have a Mozillians profile URL, what's the account profile URL
that you use for localization at Mozilla?

zer dio herriak?

izan libre izan euskaldun!

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