[Librezale] Audacity Euskaraz eskaria

Txopi txopi a bildua ikusimakusi.eus
Ost, Uzt 26, 19:59:40, CEST 2017

az., 2017.eko uztren 26a 12:29(e)an, Osoitz E igorleak idatzi zuen:
> Aupa, nik kodeena ez dakit zelan doan. Hau bururatu zait:
> Guk gure burua argitu bitartean, itzulpena bidali egiten dut kodeei
> aipamenik egin gabe eta probetarako bertsioan sartzea eskatzen dut, beraiek
> aukeratutako kodea gustoko ez badugu, behin betiko bertsioan aldatzea
> eskatzen dugu, ados?
> Hau izan zitekeen mezua:

Osoitz, gaur 18:10ean Telegram taldean bota duzun bertsio hau nik egokia
ikusten dut:


Hello James,

Find enclosed the collaborative translation to Basque by Librezale.

This work is a continuation of the original translation made under the
supervision of the Basque Government's Language Department [1], and has
been recovered from Audacity's GitHub repository [2]. For lexical
decisions not covered in the original translation we attempted to always
follow established conventions in the fields of professional sound,
physics and music.

Aligning with the rest of the software ecosystem, we believe it would be
preferable to give this work the 'eu' locale code. We understand 'eu_ES'
might be okay, albeit not ideal.


Osoitz on behalf of Librezale

[1] http://www.euskadi.eus/eusko-jaurlaritza/hizkuntza-politika/


Nigatik bidali! :-)

Ondo izan,

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