[Librezale] LibreOffice Laguntza sarean

Osoitz E oelkoro a bildua gmail.com
As, Aza 8, 21:16:45, CET 2016

Jaun andere txit agurgarriak,

Hau da egoera.

> Hello Sophie,
> I have consulted with the members of librezale.eus (A groups of volunteers
> that translate free software to Basque of which I'm a member). We don't
> have a fallback forum and wouldn't want to send Basque users to another
> language's support site, several people offered themselves to participate
> in a Basque version of ask.libreoffice.org to answer questions and
> it.
> What's the next step? Do I add the link https://ask.libreoffice.org/
> eu/questions/ to the bug myself?

>The next step is to ask for an instance on the website list. Give the
>user names of the people who will moderate it and then you're done.

Website list hori posta zerrenda hau da (ni orain harpidetu naiz):
website a bildua global.libreoffice.org

Zerrenda horretara apuntatzeko interesa duenak: https://www.libreoffice.org/

DENOK EGITEKOA: Moderatzaileen erabiltzaile izenak eman behar ditut,
ulertzen dut https://ask.libreoffice.org guneko erabiltzaile-izenak izan
behar direla, beraz mesedez eman izena bertan eta gero esan niri zein den
zuen erabiltzaile izena. Nik egin dut jada, osoitz da nire izena.


> basque (eus) is not yet available for
> askbot. The good news is that it is fixable. Register in transifex for
> askbot and be part of the askbot transation team for basque.

> https://www.transifex.com/askbot/askbot/

Hau da, ask webgunea bera ez dagoela oraindik Euskaraz.

LAN GEHIAGO! Transifexen hizkuntza gehitzea eskatu dut. 2049 Kate besterik
ez dira, agian Abenduko proiekturako egokia, beste inork beste ideia
hoberik ez badu.

Laster arte,

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