[Librezale] Fwd: [Nueva entrada] WordPress 4.2 instruction manual

Mikel Larreategi larreategi a bildua eibar.org
Ast, Api 23, 08:02:52, CEST 2015

Gaur gauean edo bihar irtengo da WordPress-en 4.2 bertsioa.

Itzulpena hasieratik prest egongo da eta paketea automatikoki argitaratuko
da eta azken WordPressen bertsioetan itzulpenak automatikoki eginda
eguneratzeko aukera izango da.

Herenegun 4.1.2 bertsioa atera zuten, 4.1.1-en segurtasun eguneraketa bat,
eta horren itzulpenak ere automatikoki prestatu ziren.


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From: Translate WordPress <donotreply a bildua wordpress.com>
Date: 2015-04-23 0:21 GMT+02:00
Subject: [Nueva entrada] WordPress 4.2 instruction manual
To: larreategi a bildua eibar.org

   Dominik Schilling (ocean90) publicó:"The upcoming release of WordPress
will become available in the next 24 hours. This is a reminder on what you
should do to benefit of the automated package build process. If you
have never had any custom changes and i18n.svn.wordpress.org is entirely
      Entrada nueva en *Translate WordPress*
<http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/?author=1669362>  WordPress 4.2
instruction manual
Dominik Schilling (ocean90)

The upcoming release of WordPress will become available in the next 24
hours. This is a reminder on what you should do to benefit of the automated
package build process

   - If you have *never had any custom changes* and i18n.svn.wordpress.org
   is entirely empty for your locale, *you do not need to do anything. *Your
   release package will be *created automatically for you*. An example
   locale is en_GB <http://i18n.svn.wordpress.org/en_GB/>.
   - If you have *no custom changes for 4.2*, please ensure you have an
   empty branches/4.2/dist or tags/4.2/dist directory at
   i18n.svn.wordpress.org. (Having an empty trunk/dist directory does not
   help you.) You do not need a dist directory if branches/4.2 or tags/4.2
   is empty. An example would be nl_NL
*Your release package will be created automatically for you. *
   - If you have *minor custom changes* consisting of, at most, a
   translated readme, license file, and wp-config-sample.php, please ensure
   these files exist in a branches/4.2/dist or tags/4.2/dist directory at
   i18n.svn.wordpress.org. (Having your stuff in only trunk/dist does not
   count.) An example would be de_DE
   <http://i18n.svn.wordpress.org/de_DE/tags/4.2/dist/> or nn_NO
   <http://i18n.svn.wordpress.org/nn_NO/branches/4.2/dist/>. *Your release
   package will be created automatically for you.*
   - If you have *extensive custom changes* consisting of other files, such
   as wp-content/languages/$locale.php or core modifications,* you will
   need to create a package* via Rosetta as you have done in the past.

If your locale is currently eligible for automatic creation of release
packages (which includes being at 100%), you’ll find an RC4 build generated
from tags/4.2-RC4 waiting for you on your dashboard. Please inspect these
ZIPs. Those locales are: nn_NO
and lt_LT
(zip links).

Language packs are generated for bg_BG, bs_BA, ca, cy, da_DK, de_CH, de_DE,
el, en_AU, en_CA, en_GB, eo, es_ES, eu, fi, fr_FR, gl_ES, he_IL, hu_HU,
id_ID, is_IS, it_IT, ja, lt_LT, nb_NO, nl_NL, nn_NO, pt_BR, ro_RO, ru_RU,
sk_SK, sq, sr_RS, sv_SE, th, tr_TR, and uk

Locales which are at 100% but skipped because of missing tags/branches:
bg_BG, ca, cy, es_ES, fi, fr_FR, gl_ES, he_IL, hu_HU, id_ID, ja, pt_BR,
ru_RU, sk_SK, sq, sr_RS, and uk.

*If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or issues, please comment
here or find me in #polyglots on Slack.*
  *Dominik Schilling (ocean90)
<http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/?author=1669362>* | abril 22, 2015 en
10:21 pm | Etiquetas: 4.2
| Categorías: Uncategorized
| URL: http://wp.me/p29oNr-1rG

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