[Librezale] Fwd: [Activemembers] Contributor Bios

Ibai Oihanguren ibai a bildua oihanguren.com
Ast, Mar 10, 23:09:34, CET 2011


Mozilla Europeren posta-zerrendara mezu hau bidali dute. Mozillaren 
webean proiektuan lagundu dutenen zerrenda bat egon ohi da, eta 
oraingoan zerrenda hau txukundu nahi dute. Horretarako, laguntzaile 
nagusien ("top contributors") argazki bat eta deskribapen txiki bat 
behar dute.

Orain arte Ibon, Julen eta neroni agertu gara, baina Mozilla Europe 
webaren itzulpenean parte hartu dugulako-edo. Uste dut orain "top 
contributors" horietan ni adibidez ez nintzela egon beharko, azkenaldian 
oso gutxi egin dudalako. Ez dute esan zenbat laguntzailerentzako lekua 

Nork agertu nahi du? (edo nor agertu beharko litzake?)

-------- Jatorrizko mezua --------
Gaia: 	[Activemembers] Contributor Bios
Data: 	Wed, 9 Mar 2011 14:09:43 +0100
Nork: 	Delphine L <lebedel.delphine a bildua gmail.com>
Erantzun-honi: 	activemembers a bildua lists.mozilla-europe.org
Nori: 	activemembers a bildua lists.mozilla-europe.org

Hey all,

The Contributor pages of the Mozilla Europe websites are going to change 
soon. Milos has been working on a new interface, which you can see here:
https://stage.mozilla-europe.org/en/about/contributors/ (access with 
your ldap credentials)

In order to put this new presentation into place, we need our top 
localization contributors to send out a small bio of themselves (4 lines 
max) and a picture (100x100). What appears in your bio is pretty much up 
to you :)  The bios are needed in your local language, as well as in 

Please send this out to me as soon as possible, and let me know if you 
have any questions or concerns.

Thanks in advance!


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