[Librezale] FSFe-ren bixita

Mikel Olasagasti hey_neken a bildua mundurat.net
Ast, Uzt 8, 17:33:34, CEST 2010


Aurreko posta batean aipatu bezela FSFe-ko bi kide izango dira gurean 
datorren astean.

Plangintza guztiz ofiziala ez den arren ia-ia amaitutzat ematen da, 
beraz hor doa itsatsita ingelesez, itzultzeak ez du eta pena merezi. 
Hala ere proposamenak ongi etorriak dira!

Edonor edonora gonbidatuta dago, beraz animatu! Jakin gaztelaniaz 
mintzatzeko gai direla ingelesa kontrolatzen ez duenen bat animatzeko 
beldurrez bada.

Monday 12
10:00 departure Bordeaux
14:00 arrival Oiartzun, lunch at Arritxulo aterpea

16:00 departure Oiartzun
16:45 arrival at San Sebastian, check-in
17:00 meeting with alkalde of Baskooge

19:00 dinner, some inofficial chats and drinks at Parte Zaharra
(appointments still possible in the afternoon/evening)

Tuesday 13
10:00 departure Donostia
11:25 arrival Vitoria
11:30 briefing with Dani Gutierrez
12:00 meeting with 8 managers/directors (EJ/GV).
14:00 lunch at Vitoria (organised by Dani)
15:15 departure Vitoria
16:00 arrival Zarautz, icecream at Mikels brother's cafe.
16:30 departure Zarautz
17:00 arrival Donostia
??:?? interview with Diario Vasco?
20:00 dinner and fellowship meeting at Donostia
     Kaska Zuri
     Paseo de Salamanca
     Donostia/San Sebastian
     (at the Urumea, between Bretxa and Kursaal,
     2 min from the central bus station at Boulevard)
     Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday 14
10:00? - 15:00? city tour, guided by Dr. Hans Harms
14:00 lunch at Parte Zaharra with Dr. Hans Harms and ?
15:30 departure Donostia
16:00 arrival Zarautz, icecream at Mikels brother's cafe.
16:30 departure Zarautz
17:30 arrival Bilbo, check-in
18:00 - ??:?? appointments at Bilbo? Sightseeing?
21:00 dinner at ? with ?
(appointments still possible)
alternatives for the afternoon:
- appointments at Donostia
- Sightseeing at the coast

Thursday 15

12:00 talk at
     Parque tecnologico Zamudio
     Edificio ESI, Room #204

     http://www.euskadinnova.net/ (organised by Mikel Olasagasti)
     (Friends from Santander will join)

14:00 lunch at Bilbo (coordinated by Mikel Olasagasti)
16:00 meeting at
     Universidad de Deusto
     Campus Bilbao
     Faculdad de Ingeneria, 2o pisto
     211bis, Sala de Videoconferencias
     - Dani?
     - Txipi
     - Mikel?
     - Fellow(s)
     - Miguel and Fellows from Santander (coordinated by Miguel)
     - geeks and students from Bilbo? (coordinated by Dani/Txipi?)

     (Friends from Santander will leave in the evening)

21:00 dinner and Fellowship Meeting Bilbo
     Bar "Bilbao" Plaza Barria

Friday 16
09:45 Karsten will fly from Bilbo to Duesseldorf.
??:?? Rainer will enjoy more of Euskal Herria.

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