[Librezale] debconf 1.5.28: Please update debconf PO translation for the package debconf

Christian Perrier bubulle a bildua debian.org
Al, Abu 24, 19:29:09, CEST 2009


You are noted as the last translator of the debconf translation for
...debconf (yes, even that package has debconf strings!).

A new string was added so that dialogs that prompt users for media changes
when debconf-apt-progress is used (for instance in D-I) have a properly
translated title.

I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it.

To avoid a huge number of bug reports, I suggest you send your updates
directly to me as it wouldn't you too long to make the update, including a

There is no strict deadline as there will probably be several releases of
debconf until Squeeze is released.

Thanks in advance,

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