[Librezale] Fwd: [translate-pootle] Pootle 1.2.0 released
julenx a bildua gmail.com
Ost, Urr 8, 17:59:24, CEST 2008
Kostata, baina azkenean :)
Hobekuntza asko daude eta aldaketa egin beharrekoa iruditzen zait.
Oraindik Debianen 1.2-rc1 paketea[1] esperimental moduan dago; apurtxo
bat tarda dezake testing/unstable-ra heltzen (stable berrian ez da
egongo, hori ziurra da).
Bestetik, zerbitzarian Xapian instalatzea gomendatuko nuke
(python-xapian), bilaketak dexente azkartzen baititu.
Gero arte,
[1] http://packages.debian.org/experimental/pootle
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: F Wolff <friedel a bildua translate.org.za>
Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:34 PM
Subject: [translate-pootle] Pootle 1.2.0 released
To: translate-announce a bildua lists.sourceforge.net, translate-pootle
<translate-pootle a bildua lists.sourceforge.net>
New versions of the Translate toolkit and of Pootle were released today.
The announcement for the toolkit is in a separate mail on the
translate-devel list (and the translate-announce list).
Pootle and the Translate Toolkit are the leading Free tools for online
localisation management and translation.
This is a major new release, containing several new features and
improvements. Version 1.2.0 or later of the Translate Toolkit is
needed for Pootle 1.2. Important changes for upgrading from earlier
versions are documented on the wiki at
* Improvements to search (thanks to Julen Ruiz Aizpuru in GSoC 2008)
* Improvements to suggestions (Julen, Wynand, Wil Clouser)
* Translation by showing a third language as reference (Julen with
initial work by Sayamindu Dasgupta)
* Messages are automatically unfuzzied when editing (Julen+Dwayne)
* Major changes to statistics. Statistics and uploads should now be
substantially faster. I don't usually credit people from
Translate.org.za in the release notes, but this was a major piece of
work that lays the groundwork for more improvements. Thank you Wynand
Winterbach, Nicolas François and everybody else who helped!
* Changes to the indexing (especially in the toolkit) should mean much
improved searching speed. I hope all administrators would now easily be
able to install indexing (I recommend Xapian).
There are several enhancements in the Translate Toolkit since version
1.1 which will benefit Pootle users, such as improvements to quality
checks, version control systems, .mo files. I also recommend everybody
serious about terminology to have a look at the new tool called
I'm really happy to see how many people contributed to this release,
many of them mentioned above for the larger contributions. The team here
at Translate.org.za put in a lot of work for this release, and I hope
you will get huge benefit from it.
Pootle ships with interface translations for 55 languages. Please
continue to update the incomplete Pootle translations for your
language and to review suggestions perhaps left by other people.
The release files are available for download at
Dependencies to run Pootle 1.2.*:
* Python (version 2.5 is the best tested version, but 2.4 should work)
* The Translate toolkit version 1.2 or later
* jToolkit 0.7.8 or later (http://translate.sourceforge.net/snapshots/
* kid 0.9 or later (http://kid.lesscode.org/)
* elementtree, unless you use Python 2.5
* python-Levenshtein is optional, but helps to speed up updating from
* iso-codes is optional but provides translated language names.
* PyLucene or Xapian is optional, but helps to speed up searching.
The 1.2 release is maintained in an SVN branch
The live documentation is available on the wiki at
Please report bugs at http://bugs.locamotion.org
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