[Librezale] hesiod 3.0.2-18.2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package hesiod

Christian Perrier bubulle a bildua debian.org
Ast, Abe 13, 07:53:37, CET 2007

(2nd call for translations: some remarks by one of the English proofreaders
were inadvertently ommitted previously. If you already sent a translation
update, please send it to the same bug report....see bug numbers at the end
of this mail


The debian-l10n-english team has reviewed the debconf templates for
hesiod. This process has resulted in changes that may make your
existing translation incomplete.

A round of translation updates is being launched to synchronize all

Please send the updated file as a wishlist bug against the package.

The deadline for receiving the updated translation is Thursday, December 27, 2007.


Current status of updates:

  * Basque. Closes: #453298
  * Galician. Closes: #453329
  * Vietnamese. Closes: #453375
  * Finnish. Closes: #453649
  * Italian. Closes: #454644
  * French. Closes: #454696
  * Czech. Closes: #455551
  * Russian. Closes: #455966

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