[Librezale] [debian-installer] for Bullseye : Basque translation

Dooteo dooteo a bildua zundan.com
Al, Aza 2, 19:18:54, CET 2020

Debianeko Holgerri bidalitako mezuaren kopia bidaltzen dizuet.

Bestetik, mezu honetan Debian Installerreko euskaraketa daukazue, hor
nonbait gorde eta itzulpen memoria bezala erabiltzea nahi baduzue.

On dagizuela, ongi izan eta zaittuuuuu!!


Hi Holger,

Attached to this mail, you can find all Basque translated files (5) for

By the other hand, I'd fixed some typos in sublevel 1 file, thus
source's sublevel 1 PO file should be replaced with attached one.

Please, could you upload them to D-I sources for me?

Thanks and best regards,

-------------- hurrengo zatia --------------
Testu hutsa ez zen mezu bat ezabatu egin da...
Izena: di_all_sublevels_eu.tar.gz
Mota: application/x-compressed-tar
Tamaina: 147636 bytes
Azalpena: ez dago erabilgarri
URL : <http://librezale.eus/pipermail/librezale/attachments/20201102/d9a3ac17/attachment-0001.bin>

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