[Librezale] WordPress-en plugin baten euskaraketarako gonbitea
txopi a bildua sindominio.net
Or, Eka 8, 10:54:30, CEST 2012
Aupa zuek:
Heldu zaidan gonbite hau Librezaleko kideoi luzatzen dizuet. Maps
Mapper delakoa OSM eta Google Maps-ekin dabil eta GPL v2 lizentzia du.
Inor animatzen bada, hemen duzue informazio...
Agur t'erdi guztioi,
-------- Original Message --------
Gaia: [wordpress.org] Looking for translators
Data: 07.06.2012 20:09
Nork: Robert Harm <info a bildua mapsmarker.com>
Nori: txopi a bildua sindominio.net
my name is Robert Harm and I am the developer of the free mapping
WordPress plugin http://www.mapsmarker.com.
This plugin allows you to pin, organize & show your favorite places
through OpenStreetMap/WMTS, Google Maps/Earth (KML), GeoJSON, GeoRSS or
Augmented-Reality browsers.
The plugin receives lots of positive feedback and therefore I am
looking for ways to make it even more user friendly. One way I try to
achieve this is to increase the number of languages in which it is
available (currently there are 8 languages supported - see
As I found your contact through the WordPress localization site
http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language, I wonder if you
could imagine contributing a translation of the plugin or happen to know
somebody who could help in doing so.
As I am giving my plugin for free to its more than 11.000 users, I
can´t offer any money; but everyone who contributes a language, gets
proper credits and backlinks within the plugin, the readme file, my
website and on wordpress.org.
Please let me know if you are interested!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Name: Robert Harm
Email: info a bildua mapsmarker.com
Blog URI: http://www.mapsmarker.com
IP Address:
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101
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